Going off of my previous blog post I thought that it would be important to include even more ways to becoming healthy! I have found that there can never be to many options for becoming healthy and that it why I have decided to provide more with you.
Being healthy doesn't just mean eating healthy, it also includes the things you drink, the things you eat and how active you are. Without all three of these components it is much harder to be considered a "healthy" individual.
Eating Healthy
Now here I am not saying only eat celery and avoid anything that is delicious. I am saying though that it is important to avoid only eating fatty foods. I am not saying you shouldn't because everyone has their cheat day, but try to make time for a salad, or a rice and chicken bowl for at least once meal throughout your week. Making sure to include those healthy meals during your week can be very helpful to helping you become healthy.
Drinking Right
It is important to avoid soda. Not only is soda bad for your health, with all of the chemicals that are included in soda. There are also a lot of calories For example in a 16 oz bottle of coke there are 184 calories. Those almost 200 calories can be avoided by just choosing to drink water with your meals instead of soda.
Exercise frequently
Even if you only have 20 minutes to run on the treadmill. Do it! It is important to remember that it is better to make some time to work out then none at all. If you say you have no time, i'm sure you can still take 20 minutes to get a quick workout in. Plus working out releases dopamine, which leads to making you a much happier person.
The coke image was found on:
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