I found this blog post recently and I thought that there were some things that could be added to it. The link to this blog post that I found is, 15 Ways You Might Be Stunting Your Weight Loss and it basically talks about the 15 ways that you could be stunting your weightless (in other words preventing it). This blog post talks about the certain ways that people prevent themselves from loosing weight. These ways are the following; not eating enough calories, starving and then binging, not all smoothies are healthy, eating protein for breakfast, being obsessed with fad diets, overdosing on low-calorie snacks, relying on healthy processed food, cutting out nutritional carbs, eating healthy only when it's convenient, snacking with false confidence, relying on supplements, eating while distracted, being too hard on yourself, feeling like you need to clear your plate and assuming that gluten-free means healthy. I thought it was a very interesting post because many people have no idea, that what they are doing, although they think it might be healthy is actually preventing them from loosing weight. That is why I have decided to add a few more things to this list.
16. It's a combo
You can't just eat healthy and think you are going to lose weight right away, just like you can't workout and think you are going to lose weight right away. It takes two. You need to remember that if you are trying to lose weight that it is important to not only eat healthy but to make time to workout as well.
17. Stress
Being stressed can often hinder weightless, or even make you gain weight. Most people do not realize it, but working out and eating healthy can sometimes mean nothing when you are stressed. This is why it is important to try and live a stress-free lifestyle by always being prepared and leaving yourself enough time in the morning so you don't start off your day in a rush.
18. Don't forget to sleep
Just because you should avoid stress, doesn't mean you should avoid sleep to. Even if you are busy it is important that you make sure to get your 8 hours of sleep every night. Try not to exceed your 8 hours, for oversleeping can sometimes hinder you rather then help you.
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