Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pan-Seared Trout With Italian-Style Salsa

I have found to love this recipe for dinner.  It is quick, easy and delicious!



6 (6 0z.) trout fillets

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

4 tablespoons olive oil

Italian style salsa

garnish: lemon slices

(this recipe will serve 6 people)

First take out your trout fillets and marinate them with salt and pepper (you are welcome to add any other seasonings that you prefer to marinate your fish with.)  Then get out a skillet and add olive oil to the pan to make sure that the trouts do not stick to the pan, once the olive oil is added you can begin to cook three of your trout fillets.  Depending on how you like your fish, I usually recommened 1 to 2 minutes on each side, to give you the perfect trout.  You can always test the fish to see if its down by checking to see if the fish flakes with a utensil.  Once these fillets are finished cooking you can repeat these steps for the remaining trouts.  Once all of the fillets have been cooked top with with your Italian style salsa, garnish with lemons if you desire and then serve your trout immediately.

This Pan-Seared Trout is a great idea for a fast family dinner!  If you are hesitant about saving your leftover fish and just plan on making this meal for yourself you can always change the amounts required in the recipe to account for as many people as you like, even if it's just for yourself.

Even More Tips To Becoming Healthy

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Going off of my previous blog post I thought that it would be important to include even more ways to becoming healthy!  I have found that there can never be to many options for becoming healthy and that it why I have decided to provide more with you.

Being healthy doesn't just mean eating healthy, it also includes the things you drink, the things you eat and how active you are.  Without all three of these components it is much harder to be considered a "healthy" individual.

Eating Healthy

Now here I am not saying only eat celery and avoid anything that is delicious.  I am saying though that it is important to avoid only eating fatty foods.  I am not saying you shouldn't because everyone has their cheat day, but try to make time for a salad, or a rice and chicken bowl for at least once meal throughout your week.  Making sure to include those healthy meals during your week can be very helpful to helping you become healthy.

Drinking Right

It is important to avoid soda.  Not only is soda bad for your health, with all of the chemicals that are included in soda.  There are also a lot of calories For example in a 16 oz bottle of coke there are 184 calories.  Those almost 200 calories can be avoided by just choosing to drink water with your meals instead of soda.

Exercise frequently

Even if you only have 20 minutes to run on the treadmill.  Do it!  It is important to remember that it is better to make some time to work out then none at all.  If you say you have no time, i'm sure you can still take 20 minutes to get a quick workout in.  Plus working out releases dopamine, which leads to making you a much happier person.

The coke image was found on:

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Eat Less Salt

You might think that since you don't add salt to the meals that you make that you are already reducing the amount of salt that you eat daily. This is not true.  In fact about three quarters of the meals you eat already have salt in them.  Some examples of foods that have mounds of salt already included in them are breakfast cereals, soups, breads, and sauces.  Although there are many more, these are just some examples.  Not only will reducing the amount of salt you eat help keep you healthy, but it will also help to keep your blood pressure low to reduce your chances of developing heart disease or having a stroke.  It is also important to realize that you can be aware of how much salt you are intaking daily.  When you are shopping look at the products are are buying to see how much salt is included in the product.  The recommended daily intake of salts is 1500 mg.  This can be converted to 0.75 teaspoons of salt.  This recommended amount is being surpassed unfortunately today with an average daily salt intake of 3400 mg.  With most of that, obviously coming from processed foods.  This message can relay back to my previous point made in previous blog posts.  It is much better to make a meal from scratch, then to succumb to the so cheap and so available fast good options that are everywhere.  Avoiding fast food and cooking meals at home can definitely help reduce your salt intake and lead you to a much healthier lifestyle.

Monday, September 28, 2015

5 Quick Tips To Make You Healthier

Proper nutrition and physical activity to healthy life - Stock image _iStock_000043776780_Small

Being healthy is something so many people want to do.  Wanting to do something doesn't always mean that it will be accomplished though.  That is why I have decided to provide everyone with some tips on some easy ways to be healthy.  These do not take much effort and are very easy to incorporate into your lifestyle.

  1. Park your car far away

When you are going to the supermarket or the mall say, get some extra excersice in and try and park in the back of the parking lot.  These extra steps can give you that extra cardio, when your days are too busy to get a workout in.

2.  Drink Matcha Powder

Although many of you many have never heard of matcha powder.  It is new and upcoming and has a lot of health benefits.  As a matcha drinker myself I have done a lot of research and found that drinking one glass of matcha is equivalent to drinking ten cups of green tea.  Matcha also helps improve your focus, increase your metabolism and increase your skin health as well.

3. Take the stairs when you can

Although elevators and escalators are tempting take the stairs when you can.  Taking the stairs is a good way to get your heart rate up and going when you are out and about running errands.

4.  Buy better bread

It is known by all that wheat bread is better than white bread.  So next time you are out shopping at the store instead of picking up your usual white bread make the switch over to wheat bread and you will be on track to being that much healthier!

5. Replace mash potatoes with veggies

Instead of using the common mash potatoes side with your meats, replace those mash potatoes with some veggies!  If you are not a huge veggie fan, fruit will do just fine too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Moderation Is Key

Eating healthy is good and all, but it is important that you eat your meals in moderation.  I have struggled with moderation, especially when there happens to be a big meal in front of me.  Even if I am full I always think that I need to finish the whole plate even though I am not hungry anymore.  That is why smaller portions are the solution.  If you are cooking something for yourself and don't plan on eating it later, cut the recepie in half.  This way you won't be tempted to finish the whole meal, when it turned out to be more than you thought.  Another way to add moderation to your lifestyle is to snack.  Now, I am not saying sit on the couch and eat chips after your day is over, but an apple with peanut butter, or a 100 calorie snack bar will be just fine.  Doing this will make you want to eat less when it is time for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  This is why I believe snacking is good if you do it the right way.  Healthy snacks between meals can help prevent overeating and will definitely be helpful in brining you closer to your goal of being healthy!  Not only will this help you make smaller portions, but it will also help you eat slower because you won't be starving by the time you cook your meal.  Eating slower will allow you to know you are full before it's too late, which can also help you be successful.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Canadian Waffles


For my first healthy post I decided to share a quick and easy receipe for Canadian waffles.  My roommates and I have found this as a quick and easy breakfast solution and the leftovers are great too!


-Five slices of whole wheat waffles

-Five pieces of Canadian bacon

-Five Eggs

-Olive Oil

-Maple Syrup

(this reciepe is made for 5 servings)

First get out five whole wheat waffles and put them in the toaster.

While you are toasting your waffles, get out a skillet and begin to cook five pieces of bacon, add some olive oil to your skillet to make sure that the bacon does not stick to the skillet.

While the bacon is cooking, take out another skillet, pour olive oil into the skillet and crack your five eggs into the pan.  Cook these over easy and once they are completed add the Canadian bacon and over easy eggs to the top of your waffle.

After this you just need to add maple syrup, as much as you prefer to the top of the Canadian Waffle, and you have your breakfast!

This meal only takes 20 minutes to prepare and if you make enough servings it can last you through your week.

*Quick tip:  Leftovers are great for time saving.  If you spend 20 minutes cooking breakfast on Monday you can save yourself time throughout your week! Always plan your week ahead of time so you know what days you are able to spend 20 minutes cooking breakfast and which mornings are good for leftovers and you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle in no time!


Thursday, September 10, 2015

About Me

Hi, My name is Healthy Eater and I write this You and I Healthy blog to give students, the working class and those who are just too busy a way to eat healthy in a short amount of time.  With fast food on the rise it is so easy these days to give into the pressure, trust me I have been there. As someone who works and goes to school full time, I have found it difficult over the years to find ways to be healthy when time is not on my side.  As a senior in college I have had four years of not only eating on a budget but also learning what healthy meals work for me and my roommates as well.  This meaning that sometimes the "quick healthy meals" you find online are just more complicated than they look.  I have found a way to keep things simple and tasty, while saving money at the same time!  That is why I have chosen to share what I have learned with the rest of us who are just as, or more busy than I am. My goal is to provide quick, easy meals to help ease the stress of trying to be successful and healthy at the same time.  I also started this blog to provide you with little healthy tips that you may have never heard of before and that over the years I have found actually work.  If you  need to contact me, please email me below

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