Thursday, September 10, 2015

About Me

Hi, My name is Healthy Eater and I write this You and I Healthy blog to give students, the working class and those who are just too busy a way to eat healthy in a short amount of time.  With fast food on the rise it is so easy these days to give into the pressure, trust me I have been there. As someone who works and goes to school full time, I have found it difficult over the years to find ways to be healthy when time is not on my side.  As a senior in college I have had four years of not only eating on a budget but also learning what healthy meals work for me and my roommates as well.  This meaning that sometimes the "quick healthy meals" you find online are just more complicated than they look.  I have found a way to keep things simple and tasty, while saving money at the same time!  That is why I have chosen to share what I have learned with the rest of us who are just as, or more busy than I am. My goal is to provide quick, easy meals to help ease the stress of trying to be successful and healthy at the same time.  I also started this blog to provide you with little healthy tips that you may have never heard of before and that over the years I have found actually work.  If you  need to contact me, please email me below

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